Estimates + Prices + Hourly Rates
Our work is mostly billed out on a time estimated labor rate formula. We rarely give exact pricing as the nature of this work is extremely variable. In terms of thourougness and individual customer preferences. We will request additional funds approval at the time we recognize that the project is going to be over time, or if the final time projects to vary from the estimate by more than 25%. If you are givien a price for a project, this is an estimate and not a final price. The type of jobs we give exact pricing for are for deliveries, dump fees, and work that is completed off site from your property.
Our lowest ongoing labor rate is $48 / hr plus a $28 onsite surcharge per tech. The surcharge helps to offset the cost of equipment preparation off site, drive times, logisitics planning of your project, and gasoline. This is often written up as an onsite fee per tech of $28 / tech. Other services such as Forman Directed Hours have higher rates.
The targeted mowing rate is $76 per hour. This is the product of a $48 labor rate and $28 as an onsite 1st hour onsite fee.
This onsite charge helps to reover drivetime, fuel, maintenance, logistics etc.
However once a mowing price has been discovered, this price becomes a target price that is somewhat fixed for concistency. Overages can occur, but without overages, the target price becomes a floor price for ongoing services, and the services are no longer based on time. This allows for the variation from fast crews to slow crews to not affect your recurring price, and provide you a steady price you can depend on Only overages from extra tall grass or other customer created complications can have a temporary impact on the price of that service.
The targeted leaf removal rate is $78 per hour. This is the product of a $48 labor rate and $28 onisite fee. There is also a dump fee of 25% of the labor charge to dispose of leaves when applicable. .
High risk work such as work on a ladder UNDER 15 ft is ussually quoted by the job or approximately $98 per hour.
Any services that require us to work in an otherwise dangerous or harmful situation, such as removal of poison ivy, or insect nests will have hazard fees of approximatley $ 98 per hour.
We do not do tree work over 15 feet.
If we are able to, we will refer you up to work with a different service provider who can.
If your service includes the use of rented gas powered equipment, such as a bushhog, tractor, bobcat, skid steer, dump truck, other specialized equipment, materials, and / or delivery your specific hourly rate may be higher and will be quoted per job.