Scheduled Services
We have two forms of scheduled services. Que and Day.
VALUE Que System - Discounted Service - Advertised Pricing
When your account is set up on this type of schedule, services are provided on a first come first serve basis based on your requested cycle length (7, 10, 14, 21, 28 days). This system is optimized to be a more affordable lawn care option.
If a service cycle falls on a Saturday, Sunday, a holiday, or a day when we are unable to provide services we may shift you on the que forward or backward 1 day for 7 - 10 day cycles and up to 2 days for 14-28 day cycles, to accommodate these issues. If you want your cycle changed in any way, we must recieve your request atleast 3 days prior to your originally scheduled cycle day.
IMPORTANT: The que system does not provide an exact day that service will be provided. The actual day of services rendered may be delayed due to rain delays, holidays, weekends, equipment break downs, a full schedule, or many other factors that can come into play. We will do our best to maintain the expected service cycle day but it is by no means guaranteed. We also do not notify customers in the que cycle when there are delays. Customers are welcomed to email us, or call to determine if the cue is backed up or not, but this is not an obligation for us under Que system scheduling. If you require more control, and more communication for your lawn needs, please purchase day system scheduling.
Any request for service that are required on a certain day or time, are intended for DAY SYSTEM scheduling and are not allowed in the Que System. WE DO NOT OFFER COMPENSATION IF WE ARE UNABLE TO PROVIDE SERVICES ON THE EXACT DAY AS SCHEDULED.
TARGET DAY System - Premium Service - 25% Higher (rounded to the nearest $5)
When an account is setup on TARGET DAY system scheduling, we set a target day (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, etc.) for services on an even week cycle (7, 14, 28 days). This system is optimized to provide greater control over the service date. Saturday and Sunday are NOT available for Day Scheduling.
If a service cycle falls on a Saturday, Sunday, a holiday, or a day when we are unable to provide services we may shift you on the que forward or backward 1 day for 7 - 10 day cycles and up to 2 days for 14-28 day cycles, to accommodate these issues. If you want your cycle changed in any way, we must recieve your request atleast 3 days prior to your originally scheduled cycle day.
IMPORTANT: Rain delays, holidays, weekends, equipment break downs, and many other factors can delay or even accelerate your service day. WE DO NOT OFFER COMPENSATION IF WE ARE UNABLE TO PROVIDE SERVICES ON THE EXACT DAY AS SCHEDULED.
Any request for service on a certain day or time, will automatically be enrolled in the TARGET Day Scheduling system. They will also automatically be charged the additional service charges.
24 - 48 HOUR DELAY OF SERVICE FEE ( $20 ) POLICY - If a customers chooses to delay an individual service, these requests must be made by live telephone request 24 - 48 hours prior to service. If the request is made via email, a confirmation is required for the delay request to be valid. ( Weekends, Holidays, and any time after close (5:00 P.M).will be recieved on the subsequent business day.
This is very similar to the policy that almost all service based businesses including Dr. Offices, beauty and wellness appointments, and many other professionals have. If proper advance notice is not given, a $20 cancellation fee may be assessed. If our crews arrive at your property and you request that we do not service the lawn on site you will be charged a $20 minimum charge fee. This charge is to cover the cost of gasoline, drive time, phone time to report and discuss the situation, as well as the fact that your crew will have one less lawn of revenue on their route for the day. This fee is not assessed if proper notice is given as we would not be arriving at the property at all. We have an obligation to arrive at your property as scheduled, and the customers have a responsibility to let us know when a service is not necessary or they do not want to have their property serviced at that time. We understand that policies like this are unpopular, but proper consideration should be given to your service providers who make a lot of effort to service your property prior to arriving at your property.
3 - 7 DAY SERVICE CYCLE CANCELLATION POLICY - If a customer chooses to cancel their confirmed services all together we request 3-7 business days in order to full fill this request. Cancelling a service cycle requires a manager to remove automatic services from the auto scheduling calendar. This is not a process that can be completed by all persons in our office statff. Also, we are a very small staff, and our email inbox can be backed up for as many as 3 days on occasion. Especailly so after a weekend, or a long weekend leading into or after a holiday. While you can call in to delay a service over the phone, you must make your permanent cancellation requests in writing, and with written confirmation. Once you have recieved written confirmation of your cancellation request, you can be assured the request has been processed. If you have not recieved a response, we recommend you call in your service cancellation request, if you have a soon coming scheduled service.